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             By 1913 Germany replaced Britain as the main manufacturing European .
             power. This fact reinforced by the aggressive nature shown in German .
             foreign policy obviously was not in the interest of maintaining any sort .
             of status quo. .
             The situation was far from being solved. Though Germany was .
             defeated was placed at the mercies of the other victorious world .
             powers, which were determined not have the scenario of 1914 happen .
             again. Unfortunately, a similar situation did develop once again with .
             Germany in the center. By 1938 Germany had rearmed and was aggressively .
             expanding both its physical and economic boarders. Adolf Hitler saw the .
             opportunities which a weak Europe armed with the ideas of appeasement as .
             a deterrent for military aggression presented to Germany. .
             These two historical occasions promoted a general distrust of a .
             strong united Germany. Both times in history after the conclusions of .
             the wars Germany was used for its large production capabilities and .
             natural resources. The first time was to pay back large war debt .
             acquired by Britain and France. The second was during the cold war and .
             Germany was split between the two super powers. Thus, the development .
             of the German question or problem. .
             Reunification was possible because of a few factors. The .
             largest was the collapse of the Soviet Union which is also the most .
             obvious. This is true due to the fact that the occupied eastern region .
             of Germany by the Soviet army was relinquished. The second was that .
             West Germany had been so economically successful that the massive .
             investments needed for updating East German industry, infrastructure and .
             economy was available. The third was the existence and strength of the .
             European Community. .
             The collapse of the Soviet empire freed of East Germany and gave .
             it its independence. The Soviets also hold vivid memories of the two .
             times Germany rose to the status of a world power. Both times the .
             Germans invaded and pushed deep into Russian territory, the last thing .

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