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Frankenstein: A Modern Myth


Secondly, the society in Victor's time saw God as the only creator, but in modern times, we realize that we can create life also, therefore making it more realistic in modern times, less in Victors. Lastly, in current times we have made many advances in science that have made transplants of human organs and body parts a reality, and making the gathering of organs and limbs in Frankenstein a more realistic possibility. .
             In today's modern society, there have been many, vast advancements in scientific technology. Today, the creation of a being via unnatural means is fairly believable because there has been a lot of research in the area of genetic technology, stem cell research, and cloning. The tests of this research have been successfully performed on animals and we have seen cloned sheep, dogs, and many other animals. The cloning aspect has yet to be perfected on a human embryo, but the realization is there. People are now coming to believe that the creation of something human via unnatural means is not as far-fetched as it was originally thought. In the technological age of today, it seems like anything can happen. This is why, when we read the novel Frankenstein, it is more of a modern myth, than an unrealistic story. It is a modern myth because in the time of today, we will tend to question the possibility of such an occurrence, rather than rule it out completely. However, in the time of Mary Shelly, the possibility of a human being made in an unnatural way was completely unrealistic. The story was just there for entertainment. This novel was not considered a "myth- due to the fact that it was so completely outrageous. This tale was considered; "utterly improbable- (Shelly 74). Anything even like this story would have been considered as "the ravings of a madman" (Shelly 79). .
             This story is a myth in modern times, rather than a myth in the 19th century, due to the reality of it coming true.

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