The tremendous growth in the bank over the years helped to breed some of these factors. Such growth caused the different sectors to become alienated. The turnover rate in the data processing center was unusually higher than other areas, and Johnson stated: "They are a lot closer to the data processing people at the auto company and other companies and banks in the area than they are to employees in the other departments here at the First" (p. 9). The data service team had been there for six years, and the bank had taken no strides towards integrating the team. The employees in this department were influenced by their knowledge of higher pay and better benefits in other companies in town, thanks in part to unions.
The consumer loan department had the highest turnover rate, and was headed by Frank Locklear, a man thought to be autocratic and unfair by those who worked for him. Employees had complained to Johnson, who notified Kramer, who disregarded the management problems with Locklear in light of his profitability. Employees were shown, in this situation, that their interests ranked lower than the profitability of the company.
The bank appears to have had total disregard for human resource management. There had never been a full-time personnel manager before Johnson was appointed. He had no prior training or experience, which strengthens the support that employee resource management was not of key concern to the bank. .
Most of the employees knew little about the bank's wage and benefits policy. They had no employee handbook developed, which would educate their employees about important benefits to working for the bank. .
The employees almost seemed to be more knowledgeable about wages and benefits from other companies in the area. They were well aware that collective bargaining had led to significant pay increases for teachers and professors of the local community college. They were aware of the pay differential between the bank and the auto plant.