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Another cause might be vaccinations. One vaccine in particular is the MMR vaccine. It is thought that the mercury within the vaccine gets to the brain and somehow affects the brain and the child will develop autism (Autism).
             What does this disorder exactly do to the affected? Well to put it very, very, simply the person is in their own world. For example, if you were to cut your hand and were bleeding profusely an autistic child might just ignore your pain and continue what they were doing before you cut your hand. Some other symptoms might include self-stimulation, spinning, rocking, hand flapping, inappropriate laughter or tantrums for no apparent reason. They might exhibit inappropriate attachment to objects, like not letting go of a car and wanting to carry it with them wherever they want to go. They also might exhibit repetitive odd play for extended periods of time. They might for example stack the same blocks for half an hour at a time. They also like to keep the same routine if it some how becomes interrupted then they might become agitated. For example in my case I used to teach two autistic boys to swim. They would come swimming on the same day at the same time every day. If they were to do otherwise on the rare occasion it seemed to me as if they did not enjoy themselves as they normally did. They would usually stay in the shallow end of the pool not doing anything for the entire 30 minutes except for staying on the wall and seeming to be uncooperative as possible. Another behavior that is sometime exhibited is self injurious behavior or aggressive behavior toward others. Again with my experience one of the boys would hit himself in the head when he did not get his way. He would also try to hit me if I did not do something that he liked such as trying to get him to swim or telling him to do something (What is Autism?). .
             The senses also are affected the individual might be Hyper (over) or Hypo (under) sensitivity of the five senses.

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