Next, according to the examination from American Institutes for Research (AIR), the average task completion times (minutes: seconds) for all participants (n=22)*. Across all tasks, Office XP outperformed Office 2000, both in shorter task times and the number of tasks successfully completed. On average, all participants completed the eleven tasks faster using Office XP than using Office 2000. When using Office XP, they completed the tasks in an average total time of 20 minutes and 6 seconds, whereas when using Office 2000, they completed tasks in an average total time of 43 minutes and 42 seconds.
Office XP Office 2000 .
Task Average task completion time Average task completion time Time difference.
1: Incorporate existing PowerPoint content from multiple presentations onto one slide. 2:30 3:00 0:30.
2: Insert, format and label a diagram in a PowerPoint slide. 1:00 4:17 3:17.
3: Apply a new design template to a PowerPoint slide. 0:31 1:35 1:04.
4: Apply another new design template to a PowerPoint slide. 0:21 1:18 0:57.
5: Find and fix three formula errors in an Excel spreadsheet 4:22 4:53 0:31.
6: Paste an Excel table into Word and reformat it to match the existing template. 0:50 3:42 2:52.
7: Import stock information from the web into an Excel spreadsheet. 1:08 7:31 6:23.
8: Dismiss ten appointment reminders in Outlook. 0:07 0:15 0:08.
9: Type two paragraphs and disable the AutoCorrect options in Word. 4:22 6:05 1:43.
10: Change the style and formatting of multiple headings in a Word document. 3:20 4:28 1:08.
11: Merge and accept edits sent via email by two reviewers into one Word document. 1:35 6:38 5:03.
Office XP total.
average time ** 43:42.
Office 2000 total average time** 23:36.
Total time difference.
Despite the speed advantages that Office XP enhanced, many new and advance task panes make it smarter and easier for the users. Again, according to the data that AIR provided, which collaborated with Microsoft to develop task scenarios to assess new functionality in Office XP.