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However, the issues that surround euthanasia are not only about death, they are about ones liberty, right to privacy and control over one's own body and one's own life. .
             Those in power in our current American society, with the exception of the state of Oregon, have deemed all forms of euthanasia, except for passive euthanasia, illegal. Many of the religious social institutions, caused euthanasia to become morally and ethically wrong to their followers. They defended and continue to defend their pro-life position by making euthanasia a violation of God's gift of life. Today most branches of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, three of the largest religious institutions in the world, condemn active euthanasia, although some will permit restricted forms of passive euthanasia. Pro-choice social movements such as the Right to Die movement have arisen out of this society to challenge and attempt to change the medical, religious, and cultural norms (Fox). This movement emphasizes self-determination, personal dignity and autonomy. They wish all forms of euthanasia to be legalized, not only slow passive euthanasia. These beliefs have pushed the government and the medical profession to redefine their positions (Fox). Both sides, Pro-life and Pro-choice, each have their own arguments, and neither one is obviously right or wrong, both are in a gray area. Because of this "grayness", both sides can find fault in the other arguments. This is the reason why the controversy has been around for so long without any resolution.
             Some of the followers of Pro-Life believe that life is sacred and that no one has the right to take a life. This is the argument that many religions have made, and because of this many of their followers do not agree with any form of euthanasia or assisted suicide. Those who believe in Pro-Choice respond to this argument by saying that religious arguments cannot apply to anyone who does not share that belief.

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