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Erie Canal


Bell's career as an inventor and armature scientist began when he was only 14 years old. He designed a device that was able to separate the husks from wheat by combining a nailbrush and paddle to form a brushing wheel. Bell as one might think was no ordinary child. By the age of 16 he was a music instructor at an all male boarding school. Alexander also enjoyed to read and found himself drawn toward the German physicist Herman Von Helmlsltz who, in one of his writings discussed how vowel sound could be produced using tuning forks and resonators. The only problem with Von Helmlsltz's work was that it was in German and since Bell could not read German he made what he called a very valuable blunder. Alexander interpreted von Helmlotz's work as claiming vowel sounds could be carried over a wire. This blunder in turn began Bell's experiments with electricity. Alexander's original dream was to produce a telegraph that was capable of sending multiple messages at one time. This invention when complete was to be called the harmonic telegraph. While working on this telegraph Alexander Bell acquired the assistance of a gentleman named Thomas Watson who was known for devising tools that helped in improving numerous inventions. Later while discussing ways to improve Bell's harmonic telegraph the two discussed the dream of sending human voices over the telegraph wires. .
             Then, on June 2, 1875 while working on their project the duo attempted to free a reed that was wound too tightly around an electromagnet they were doing experiments on. During this time the reed slipped and produced a twang. The twang reminded Bell of some of the same tones in the human voice. When this occurred it was said that Bell realized his dream was more of a reality now than ever. From this moment on Bell worked vigorously to complete his telephone. Bell later discovered that if a wire was submersed in a liquid and then vibrated by the human voice the wire would produce an undulating current allowing for the human voice to be transmitted over a wire.

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