These staff persons do not provide adequate supervision which influences individuals to commit employee theft crimes. Opportunity, variable four, is conceptually defined as, the measure on the part of the person with the ease and certainty in which the crime can be committed. These opportunities include but are not limited to employee access to large sums of money and/or merchandise while employed.
For this research study, offenders convicted of employee theft and sentenced to probation were administered a survey questionnaire developed by the researcher. The survey consisted of six sections and a total of 22 questions. In sections one through five of the survey the dependant and independent surveys were addressed. The respondents were given directions on how to respond to the closed ended questions. Participants were directed to choose a response from a provided list. Likert response categories were used in the survey for sections one through five. Responses were assigned a numerical value. A response of "1" indicates the respondent strongly agrees, a response of "2" indicates the respondent agrees, a response value of "3" indicates that the respondent disagrees and a response of "4" indicates the respondent strongly agrees with the statement or question. Section one of the survey contains three questions designed to understand the participant's perception on Employee Theft. In scoring responses, a score of 16 is the lowest one can receive. This score indicates that the four factors or variables contributing to employee theft apply to the particular respondent. The highest score of 64 indicates that those variables did not apply to the particular respondent. Section six of the survey labeled "demographics" contains questions that will be measured nominally(race, gender), ordinally (employment type, level of employment), and ratio measures (age, time employed).
The researcher has developed the following hypothesis to test for the purpose of this study:.