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Electoral College


(Burdette 242).
             Basically, the electoral college system works like this today. Every ten years the census.
             figures adjusts how many representatives each state has. This number plus two, representing the.
             two senators, equals how many electors each state has.(N.A.R.A.) Also, the District of Columbia.
             (D.C.) has 3 electors which was allowed in 1961 by the adoption of the 23rd.
             Amendment.(Birnbaum, 75) Then each state has the right to decide how to select these electors.
             who vote by a general ticket system. The general ticket system is the way in which state electors.
             vote for the presidency. It is a system in which the "winner takes all", when there is a popular.
             vote and the majority of the vote receives all of the electoral college votes.(Abbott, 77) .
             The framer's intent of setting up the American government will never be known for sure,.
             but it is gathered that they preferred a republic to a democracy.(Abbott, 13) In the constitutional.
             convention, the drafters had to decide how much power they would entrust with the people of the.
             United States, and how much should be controlled by representatives. They chose to have.
             Congress make the laws, and Congress would be selected directly by the people. But, the.
             Executive branch needed a sole president and the framers had to decide how to choose this.
             president.(Burdette, 242) .
             They chose from three main systems: elect the president by Congress, the people, or.
             electors.(N.A.R.A.) As stated by David Abbott, at first, it was assumed the best system of.
             electing the president was to have Congress do it. However, if Congress was to elect the.
             president, then the president might feel an obligation to help Congress get certain laws passed by.
             not vetoing. This would put a dent in the checks and balances system. Secondly, not many.
             believed in the direct vote system, but three prominent people did including James Wilson,.
             Governor Morris and James Madison. Most delegates did not think that the American.

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