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Egyptian Art And Architecture


Many of them were built near the Nile where there were constant floods.
             In the early dynasties, the tombs of the kings and high regarded nobles were made of mud brick and almost the same size of all the other tombs. The size of the royal tombs were so similar to the others, that it was hard to recognize which one was a royal tomb. These large structures had many storage chambers, which contained food and equipment for the deceased person in the afterlife. These tombs are greatly detailed in which they have many complex rooms and decorative walls on the inside. Many of these tombs have been excavated and studied by archeologist which now know very much of these great structures.
             The distinction of royal tombs and nonroyal tombs is in the way the locations in which the funerary cult is. In nonroyal tombs a chapel was included which had a formal tablet on which the deceased was shown seated with his/her offerings. The external of both tombs looked alike, but the internal of each were different. Highly regarded officials had much more decorative walls and more elaborate features.
             There are mainly two kinds of temples, cult temples and mortuary temples. During the Dynastic period there were mainly a lot of cult temples. A cult is a system of religious worship. There are certain elements an Egyptian temple should have. It must have "an approach avenue of sphinxes leading to the great double-towered pylon entrance fitted with flagpoles and pennants; before the pylon a pair of obelisks and colossal statues of the king; within the pylon a court leading to a pillared hall, beyond which come a further, small hall where offerings could be prepared, and at the heart of the temple a shrine for the cult image." (Encyclopedia Britannica). In the outer part of the temple building would be located a lake or a least a well where the Egyptians would collect the water they would need for the ritual.

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