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Effects Of Gambling In Sports


Jackson's lifetime ban proves just how serious a problem gambling is viewed as being. .
             Pete Rose is the other lone member of the lifetime ban from baseball club. However, in Rose's case it can be proved that while Rose was a manager he did bet on the outcome of other teams" games, and possibly even his own teams. In a Major League Baseball press conference, the following was said, "Let no one think it did not hurt baseball." (Giamatti, 1) Often those inside of the sport view gambling as worse than those outside the sport, as those on the inside see it hurting the integrity of the game. There has been recent talk of lifting Rose's ban, if he would admit to gambling (which he has not yet done), apologize for his actions, and admit what he did was in fact harmful to baseball. Rose is unlikely to admit this however, as like most gamblers he refuses to admit that what he did was wrong at all.
             In today's world gambling is progressively being done more on the internet. During a 1995 FBI bust on a frat house at the University of Texas, and it was discovered that several thousand students were gambling on the internet. ("Sports Gambling" 2) Since 1995 those numbers have steadily gone up, it is now estimated that 2/3 of all college students either have, or will have, gambled by the time they leave college. (Toohey, "Sports Gambling Rings Rampant on College Campuses" 3) Most experts agree that college gambling is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. .
             Many colleges have had to face suspensions and firings due to illegal gambling done by faculty and staff. Colleges such as Arizona State, Tulane, Boston College, Northwestern, Maryland, Miami, Alabama, and Kentucky have all violated NCAA rules within the past ten years. (Toohey, "Low Odds, High Stakes, Higher Education" 1) Some of those colleges never recovered, and still today are trying to return to their former glory. The main problem is caused by bookies who trick the kids into believing that it is okay to gamble as long as they only cover the spread, but still win their game.

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