When reviewing the data for the seven selected schools (chart 1), I noticed that the minority percentage was higher with Native Americans than any other group. The percentages of poverty in the Indian Reservations were higher than those in other communities. Also, they had lower test scores then those in the higher classed neighborhoods. It seems that the percentage of children that failed the math and reading tests were higher also in the Indian Reservations. This then contributes to the fact that the lower income families are still not given the same educational opportunities as those in the higher income families. .
"Five out of every 100 young adults enrolled in high school in October 1999 left school before October 2000 without successfully completing a high school program." The young people that live in families with incomes that are lower than those of their peers seem to be six times more likely to drop out of high school. (Dropout Rates in The United States 2000, www.nces.ed.gov/pubs2002/droppub_2001/index.asp) The information provided in chart 2 again states that the lower the income of the families the higher the dropout rate is. The high schools in the Indian Reservations have a higher dropout rate than those in the other communities.
While gathering the information for chart 3 I discovered that expenditure per student were much higher than those in the high schools located in the Indian Reservations. Actually the numbers reported to the web-site for the Indian Reservation were either to low to report or just were nothing because the only information I could obtain was "NDS". I assume this mean no data submitted. Again this just proves the lack of commitment to the minorities in Arizona and our high school and that the education of our minorities is not as important as those in the upper class communities.
I don't agree on the fact that school funding should be contingent on the scores of the standardized test.