health problems due to underdeveloped organs and/or body parts; may have heart defects,.
small heads that may not look normal; joint and limb defects; poor muscle control;.
damaged nervous system; and hearing problems (Drugs and Birth Defects -Nancy.
Shniderman) Organ and limb development is impaired because of the rapid growth of a.
fetus during pregnancy. Doctors do not know how much alcohol is needed to cause FAE.
or FAS. During the first trimester, as shown by research of Drs. Clarren and Streissguth,.
alcohol interferes with the migration and organization of brain cells. (Journal of.
Pediatrics, 92(1):64-67). During the second trimester, heavy drinking, particularly.
the10th and 20th week after conception, seems to cause more clinical features of FAS.
than at other times during pregnancy, according to a study at England.
Early-Human-Development; 1983 Jul. vol. 8(2) 99-11. During the Third trimester,.
according to Dr. Claire D. Coles. the hippocampus is greatly affected, which leads to.
problems encoding with visual and auditory information (reading and math).
(neurotoxicology And Teratology, 13:35 7-367, 1991) Although many serious effects are.
a result of heavy drinking throughout pregnancy, children do not need to have full FAS to.
have significant difficulties due to prenatal exposure to alcohol. According to research.
done by Drs. Joanne L. Gusella and P.A. Fried, even light drinking can have adverse.
affects on the child's verbal language and comprehension skills. Most children with FAS.
disorders have attachment issues, display inappropriate sexual behaviors, show poor.
judgment, have difficulty controlling their impulses, are emotionally immature, and need.
frequent reminders of rules. As a result, many will require the protection of close.
supervision for the rest of their lives. [Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Community Resource.
Center; http://www,] .
Tobacco is another teterogenic drug that is not illegal.