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Drinking And Driving


Some states such as Alabama, Delaware, Kansas, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, Vermont, Virginia and Utah do not restore driving privileges during suspension. .
             Alcohol is a depressant. It slows down your reaction time significantly which means if your driving you don't have as much time as you would to react and avoid an accident. Driving continually demands multiple tasks. It requires your constant attention and quick responses or decisions to an unexpected interference. In order to be a safe driver you must be alert, make quick decisions and be able to execute them. A twelve ounce can of beer, a five ounce glass of wine, and a 1.5 ounce shot of straight liquor contain the same amount of alcohol, therefore the effect on the body is the same. Approximately two twelve ounce beers will put you over the BAC level.
             Have you ever watched "Cops" and seen a person get pulled over, and the police usually ask them to take a breathalyzer test? What a breathalyzer test does is it determines the amount of alcohol in your blood stream. It is a little device that you breath into and it records the amount of chemicals being released from your body along with carbon dioxide. It measures the level of alcohol being released and records it. A persons perception and judgment can be altered with just one beer or glass of wine. That is why they also have them walk along a line on the road to test their balance and perception. A breathalyzer test is a good way of knowing how intoxicated a person really is and whether they are capable of driving or not. In only 20 of the 50 states the BAC level is .1. Every other state the BAC level is .08. In 1982, only 33% of people who were pulled over for drinking and driving were given a breathalyzer test. Today it is much more common and everybody in America who is suspected of drinking and driving is given a breathalyzer test.
             There is a difference between how much a male and female can tolerate alcohol wise.

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