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Lesbians and Parenthood


             Callahan's sexuality is not an issue relevant for consideration to receive AID. According to Hanscombe there is no studies to support lesbians cannot become mothers the social objections stem from prejudice and ignorance. Hanscombe presents a strong argument that there are no biological difference between heterosexual and non - heterosexual mothers. The social objections are lesbian mothers themselves have deviated from social norms. Having read Hanscombe argument I find no fault. My objective is beyond the control of lesbian mothers. Our society has strong prejudices against homosexuality there are laws to protect homosexuals from physical harm but no protection from social behavior against homosexuals. Let's face it in theory all laws work it is the practical application that is difficult. There is no protection against another's personal belief, and people manage the medical and government communities. I am uncomfortable with the issue of homosexuals as parents. I know it is not fair to penalize a group because society has not advanced with its thinking. My problem is I don't believe it is morally fair to bring a child into a knowingly hostile environment like the one against homosexuals. Parenting is a difficult task and extremely important to the longevity of our society. I am suspect of anyone who desires to be a single parent, couple with the extra pressures that the religious communities, government and the general populace -- you have a recipe for disaster. The utilitarian rule supports the clinic's view. The evidence supports the use of reproductive technology would not serve the best interest of society. Not because of a biological issue but the issue of non-tolerance within the general populace. I realize this is a grey area; nonetheless this is our society. Yes, there are laws to ensure against premeditative violence against homosexuals, but that has not deterred the violence nor the fear of reporting such violence.

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