Pizza and the assorted types of bread sides are cut accordingly. Wings have to be put through the oven a second time because they take longer to cook. When wings come out for the second time, the proper sauce is poured onto them. This can be either barbecue or hot sauce. From here the order is ready to be picked up or delivered. .
Delivery orders are placed up on a computer screen for the drivers so that they can map out the routes that they are going to take. The address is displayed along with a number which reveals what part of the delivery area that the house or business is in. Drivers take orders that are geographically close to one another along with being ready at similar times. Drivers are only allowed to carry two deliveries in their car at a time. After the delivery is finished, the driver comes back and places the money in a drop box because they are only allowed to carry twenty dollars at a time.
The cost of each process in this type of operation is pretty consistent. The employees pretty much stick to their own assigned task and there is usually no need for extra help. The phone people stay on the phones; the people on the line make the pizzas; and the drivers take things out of the oven and deliver them. If anything, employees can be used for more than one task to save money. The cost of toppings is minimal, especially compared to the $1.50 price increase for each additional topping. On average, it takes about $3.50 to make a large pizza. When using a small staff, the cost of production is covered quickly and profit margins are high.
As with most fast food operations, quality is pretty consistent. This is because the same ingredients are always ordered. The dough come portioned from the factory so all the pizzas are the proper size. Everything is done a certain way on a certain schedule. Employees stick to what they do best. The fastest and most experienced workers make the food because they can handle it much better than somebody who strictly does the phones.