The blurb makes use of emotive language, capturing the reader with stimulating words like thought-provoking "and" vicious attacks on women.
An important feature, appealing to anyone, is how such a large book is broken up into short chapters that can be absorbed easily. The exciting titles of these chapters are listed in the Table of Contents to attract the reader.
A recent addition to the book is the Epilogue chapter, which appeals to the reader as it describes the repercussions of Cooke's crimes and the current condition of the families and survivors affected. For example: "Glenys Peak married and had four children. She lives in the W.A. wheatbelt-.
In many ways the driving force of Blackburn's argument lies in the selection of detail. Her graphic representations of Cooke's crimes exist to motivate the view of Cooke as a violent murderer, able to choose any young women and take her life. Meticulous detail of these dreadful events, especially the various hit-runs shock the reader. Cooke is then highlighted as the obvious man responsible for Rosemary's death and Buttons innocence is developed.
The course of events relating to Rosemary's death is detailed as to allow the reader to see how both Cooke and Button were involved. For example: "John was distraught. Rosemary was striding away from him down Redfern Street and across the road, insisting on walking home." The mention of location and Buttons prior emotions causes the reader to understand the events of the incident and find Cooke to be the killer.
The Language used is simple, Appealing to many and is sometimes reminiscent of the 50's and 60's when the book is set. Transcripts in the court scenes are quite formal and include legal terms. For example: " subject of preliminary proceedings for committal for trial-.
More importantly, subjective descriptions draw the reader into the pain and suffering of the victims; " the radiator grille broke off as it slammed into her leg- The language truly takes the reader back in time to the small town Perth was.