These groups are aware that they are doing this terrible injustice to the rain forest.(Leach) These native people are doing this out of necessity to survive while these lumber companies are doing this to make a profit and further the profits of their company. So therefore it is the actions of man the lead to the deforestation of the rainforest. For this to be understandable one must note these groups of people.
The most notorious and fast acting in the process of deforestation is the commercial logger. The logger can cut down a large tree in less then ten minutes, this is probably only one-millionth of the time span that it took the tree to grow to its current size. The tree that is usually selected by the logger by virtue of its size, with its top most section reaching up into the forest canopy. When these giant trees are brought down it can damage a great deal of the trees that surround it. This action thus compounds the problem of deforestation, because these trees are then vulnerable to attack by pathogens at the place where large strips of bark have been removed. As a result of harvesting one tree, another ten trees may die. After being brought down the tree would then again be cut into pieces so that it can be hauled away to market. After getting to market the tree will of course make quit a large sum of money for the timber company. Then the log may end up as decorative panels for your home, or a quality desk for you office. One of the main reasons that forests are being exploited is that more people want wood. Wood is an economically competitive material that holds great value on the world market.(Myers) Each day many thousands of such trees are cut down in the Amazon Rainforest. Logging contributes to a pattern of depletion that if not stopped will leave very little forest left. These ecosystems are the most ancient on earth, rainforest have been in existence for at least 50 million years, and are being eliminated by these commercial loggers.