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Death Penalty


             find for guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, 13. the prosecution presents additional evidence, 14. .
             In order to find for death, the issues to be resolved by the jury are: (a) did the defendant not only .
             act willfully in causing the death, but act deliberately, as well, 15(b) does the evidence show .
             beyond a reasonable doubt that there is likehood that the defendant will be dangerous in the .
             future 16(c) if there was provocation on the part of the victim, were the defendant's action .
             unreasonable in response tot he provocations and 17(d) is there something about the defendant .
             diminishes moral responsibilities or in some mitigates against the imposition of death for the .
             defendant in this case, whereby, 18. The defense presents all mitigating circumstances, which .
             may lessen the probability of the jury opposing death. 19. The jury must take into consideration .
             those mitigating circumstances, and if only 1 jury believes that the perpetrator deserves leniency .
             because of any mitigating circumstances then the jury can not impose the death penalty and 20.
             When the death sentence is imposed the perpetrator receive and automatic appeal 21&22. The.
             death row inmate is provided and attorney, or attorneys to handle the direct appeal, at county.
             expense, through both the state and federal courts, 23&24. The state pays the attorneys for the.
             habeas corpus appeals at both the state and federal levels, 25&26. Death row inmates may be.
             granted a hearing, in both state and federal courts, to present post conviction claims of .
             innocense 27&28. Convictions or sentences are subject to pardon or sentence reduction through.
             the executive branch of government at both the state and federal level. .
             Many people don't realize how much more it cost to put a person to death than sentencing .
             them to life in prison without a chance of parole. Here are the cost to put a person in jail for life.
             without the possibility of parole v's putting a person to death.

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