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Genesis illustrates the relationships between God and nature, God and man, and man and man. These relationships can be seen clearly though the creation of the world and nature itself. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth let the earth put forth vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit. Genesis also carefully depicts the intimate nature of His relationship to man, He creates them, provides for them and cares for them deeply. "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed every beast of the earth." It also records the general history of man and how they interacted with each other. .
             It is thoroughly monotheistic, teaching that there is one true God over all that exists (his creation) and that by divine election he often exercises his unlimited freedom. This can be seen in God's sadness that man had disobeyed his commands and their banishment for their disobedience. Genesis introduces a God that initiates and makes covenants with his chosen people, pledging his love and faithfulness to them and calling them to promise theirs to him. .
             There are many reasons why the book of Genesis may have been written. It provides a good foundation and account of the beginning of the universe, humankind, marriage, sin, family and God's characteristics. It also communicates a story of creation as well as gives insight into the relationship between God and men at that time. This could have been helpful for the people to understand who God was, what was expected of them and the basis of their religion and worship. It also answers the question of how was man created or where they came from. Genesis gives a detailed understanding of not only about God himself, but how God created and cared for man. The people probably had many questions as well, similar to the questions we have today like: "Why do bad things happen?" explaining how evil (sin) came into the world.

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