Both knew that the results of using just one of their many nuclear weapons would be catastrophic and could wipe out all man kind. The only option in Cuba however may have been for an all all out world war.
Global destruction was avoided however, Kennedy and Krushchev made a last minute deal. Both claimed to have been victorious however it was Kennedy who came out best as he had forced Krushchev .
To retreat at little cost to his country.
What caused such a scare to the world? That is easy, a nuclear threat. In1957 the Soviet Union launched the world's first space satellite Sputnik 1. It was not the Sputnik 1 that scared the USA buyt the rocket that she was launched on. Sputnik was launched on an intercontinental Ballistic Missile, or ICBM for short. These ICBM's could travel between continents due to their huge range. What is even scarier is that these ICBM's can be fitted with a nuclear warhead. The Soviets developed these missiles far sooner than the USA and the fear was that these could be launched from Russian territory and land in the middle of Washington DC.
The launch of Sputnik 1 destroyed the American belief that they could deliver a major blow without fear of a nuclear retaliation. American bombers were no match for the ICBM, they did not have a rocket to match the ICBM's range or power. The Soviets could now launch a successful first strik and the USA would have no means of retaliation. The race for Kennedy was now to overcome the disadvantage of not having the ICBM but also to develop a second strike strategy. During the 1960's both Kennedy and Krushchev spent large sums of money to develop the capabilities of a second strike, the plan was to increase the numbers of nuclear warheads on ICBM's.
But with increasing numbers of warheads comes grave consequences. There was once again finally a balance of power by the later part of the 1960's. Both the East and the West had an "equal- amount of warheads and delivery systems.