These approaches misrepresent the true potential of community policing and establish simplistic expectations. (Glensor p14). These simplistic goals, unfortunately, do not allow for the implementer to ready him or herself to be ready for the obstacles they face with the implementation of the program. Vague descriptions of the obstacles they may face consist of officers concern of change, community concern, and involvement. Literature Review Within the implementation of community orientated policing the priority consists of laying a sturdy foundation for the program. Before a foundation can be properly laid the implementer must gain acceptance and support from the committee. Then the foundation begins in the police organization. .
The success of community policing depends on the police officers who are responsible for implementing the programs. In essence their attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors must be substantially changed before community policing can be put into practice (Lurigio p315). Due to the fact that police officers can be very resistant to change this step can become a difficult hurdle. Many of the directives of community policing are beyond the traditional capacities and roles of officers, who were initially selected to perform only the basic activities associated with modern policing; such as patrol, investigation, order maintenance, arrest, and report writing. Hence the transition to community policing can be come a battle of hearts and minds amongst the officers. Community policing requires them to do many of their old activities, but in new innovative ways. Officers commonly hear of new programs when they are announced to from the highest levels of administration, and the officers concern is based on the fact that many of these decisions are adopted with out any of their input or acceptance. The fact that civilians play a major role in the instigation of many of these new programs touches a deep and sensitive nerve amongst police culture.