A computer consists of many components, all very different in functionality but .
they all work together to make a powerful machine that helps us in our everyday activities. .
They facilitate basic functions such as term paper or speeches or even managing our .
money on a day-to-day basis. Of course there are some computers that are very powerful .
and run software that enables government agencies such as NASA precisely project all of .
the events in our solar system. What I would like to do today is to demonstrate all the .
components that make up the basic computer system, not necessarily the one that is used .
by the government.
The component that we use to hold the entire computer modules together is called .
a computer case. There are a couple of different types of computer cases. One type is .
called AT case which is used for the older computers, and the second one is called ATX .
case which is used for more resent computers. Cases may also come in different sizes, .
colors and styles. The main different between the two cases is the power supply that .
come with them. A power supply, simply put, is the part that gives electricity to the .
computer. The most common power supply supplies 250/300 watt of electricity. The .
more advanced computer units require higher watts in order to run stably. .
Another very important component is the main board, better known as the .
motherboard. The motherboard serves as the mother of all the parts that make up a .
computer. There are many important factors to a main board; one of the most important is .
how much bus speed it can hold. A motherboards bus speed determines how fast .
information will travel between all of the computer components. So the higher the bus .
speed the better the computer performs. Another important detail to keep in mind when .
choosing a motherboard is what kind of CPU you want to use on the board. There are .
competing types of CPU made by different companies.