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Implementation stage of the System Development Life Cycle


Program testing usually proceeds from higher to lower levels of program modules until the entire program is tested as a unit. If computer aided software engineering methodologies are used such program testing is minimized because automatically generated program code is more likely to be error free. .
             Installation is a very critical component in the success of an IT project. It is believed that the installation is the best time to educate the customer by working very closely with them during the installation process. This close interaction is ideal for the customer to learn about the equipment being installed, ask questions, and seek advice and tips on operation or administration issues. Installation represents the physical connection of the equipment to customer's existing infrastructure as well as any configuration of the equipment that is required. Installation checklists are used to ensure that all of the equipment is installed and running.
             Training is a vital implementation activity. IS personal such as user consultants must be sure that end users are trained to operate a new system or its implementation will fail. Training may involve only activities like data entry, or it may also involve all aspects of the proper use of a new system. In addition, managers and end users must be educated in how the new technology affects the company's business operations and management. .
             Support can take the form of ad-hoc advice and guidance on specific issues, a call-off arrangement, or specific projects to address discrete issues. To provide this support the company must have the Compliance Procedures Manual, Training and Competence Manual, Record Keeping. .
             The tools used are very important in all aspects. Software tests are valuable intellectual assets, especially in long-lived, multi-version, multi-platform commercial software. The highly publicized Y2K software problem provides a very good sense of the problems that arise in such a domain as well as how long software tests should last.

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