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Scientists will be able to grow organs form animals that wouldn't be rejected by the human body ("Pro: Cloning Supporters" 1;Green 2). Cloning would enable scientists to replace skin on burn victims and replacement of nerve tissue for spinal cord injuries. Opportunities to help others should persuade people to think twice about restricting cloning research (Green 2).
             Third, Identical twins are "natural" human clones; they even show different physical and mental characteristics (Green 3). Identical twins come from same egg and share the same genotype (Colvin 1). So, why would the age difference in the clones and the original's matter and present an ethical problem, if they are no different than identical twins (Bailey 2)? Clones would just have an older identical twin or a twin that is dead (McCarthy 1). Fingerprints of identical twins are not the same, so having identical genes does not mean identical people (Lewontin 129). .
             Even mentally, the brain of the clone and the original would be wired differently because of different life experiences, just like twins (Bailey 3). A clone will be different from original because of environmental factors, unique experiences, and social development (Green 3). So, a clone would be just as original as any human being because of the effects of different environments and direction of path taken through life which would result in a different outlook of life (McCarthy 5). For example, if scientists cloned Adolf Hitler, he could become a talented painter (Green 3).
             Third, a clone is a person because the share all features as non-clones. They should have the same moral status and protection as others. For instance, it would be the same to take a clone's organ for a non-clone as a non-clone's organ for a clone (McCarthy 4). Anyway, existing laws would protect clones from exploitation, so clones wouldn't be used for organs any more than humans are (Green 5).

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