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"42% of men who are uncircumcised wish they were. 18% of uncircumcised men underwent the circumcision procedure later in life" (Badger n.p.). This is alarming, if only the parents would have done this procedure at birth. Here is a letter written to the internet site Baby Center from a man who hated growing up uncircumcised. ""Most American boys are circumcised. It's just a flap of skin. I hated being uncut growing up, and I think most American women prefer circumcised men. Spare your sons any future aggravation; just circumcise"" (Austin n.p.). .
             The opposition would like you to believe men do not care that they are uncircumcised. They actually state, "If a boy gets teased because he looks different, that indicates an emotional problem in the perpetrator." Then they continue on with, "It is the circumcised father who may feel uncomfortable if he looks different from his son. The fear of confronting these feelings in themselves motivates circumcised men to cling to the myth that intact sons will have such feelings" (Circumcision Resource Center n.p.). This is absurd, but the Circumcision Resource Center preaches these ideals as their argument. .
             In addition to being teased and made fun of, there is the social-sexual problem. According to a study done by James Badger, a scientist from the University of New South Wales, women prefer men who are circumcised. He believes most women circumcise their child because of what they believe a penis should look like. His study agrees:.
             92% said the circumcised penis was cleaner, 90% said it looked "sexier", 85% said it felt nicer to touch and 55% said it smelled more pleasant. Even women who had only ever had uncircumcised partners preferred the look of the circumcised penis. Only 2% preferred an uncircumcised penis for fellatio, with 82% preferring the circumcised. Preference for intercourse for circ. vs uncirc. was 71% vs 6%, respectively; manual stimulation, 75% vs 5%; visual appeal, 76% vs 4%.

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