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             also feel that you are responsible enough to deal with the consequences that follow. Abortion is just an easy way out of their mistake. If even one of those reasons justify taking away a baby's chance to life, it is just selfish. .
             Imagine if you, your best friend, your spouse, or someone else that has changed your life in a special way, was never born because their mother didn't want the hassle of having a baby. By having an abortion and killing the most defenseless human beings you are taking away someone's future best friend or future spouse, but most importantly you are taking away that baby's right to live.
             There are many men and women in the United States who cannot have children and seek adoption as an only option to complete their family. All of these aborted babies could have led a happy complete life.
             Effects of abortion do not always have a good out come. Women who carry their first baby to full term nine months cut their chance for breast cancer in half. Miscarriage (called spontaneous abortion) does not increase the chance of breast cancer either. Induced abortions do increase the risk of breast cancer, regardless of the age of the women at the time, whether she"d had children before, or how late into the term the fetus was. .
             Since 1980, mental health providers have begun treating mental & emotional difficulties as result of abortion. A woman's self image and her feelings of self worth have had a devastating blow. .
             Self-destructive behavior happens manly to women who have undergone post-abortion trauma, which results in loss of self-esteem, and depression. Women who have undergone post-abortion counseling report over 100 major reactions to abortion. Out of 100, 80 percent have expressed feelings of self-hatred. In the same study 49 percent reported that they began to use or increased their use of drugs and 39 percent began to use or increase their use of alcohol. 14 percent described themselves as having become "addicted" or "alcoholic" after their abortions.

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