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Child Abuse


Physical abuse includes deliberate acts of violence that injure or even kill a child. Unexplained bruises, broken bones or burn marks on a child may be signs of physical abuse. Two other forms of child abuse are sexual and emotional abuse. The most common form of child abuse is neglect. Physical neglect involves a parent's failure to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, or medical care to a child. Emotional neglect occurs when a parent or caretaker fails to meet a child's basic needs for affection and comfort. Examples of emotional neglect are: behaving cold, distant and in an unaffectionate way toward a child or allowing a child to use drugs or alcohol.
             Children may be physically abused in many different ways. Many kids are spanked so hard that they are left with bruises or a welt. Many children who are physically abused many be hit with a shovel or belt; some get hit with chains, ropes, electric cords, leather straps or cans. "Children over age five are more likely to be physically abused and to suffer moderate injury than are children under five" (Prevent Child Abuse). In many cases children do not report that they have been abused for fear of their parent(s) getting angry and doing it again. Also many children may not feel as if they are being abused. Children grow up idolizing their parents and seeing their parents in such a way that it appears as if everything the parent does is okay. As a result, many children who have abused grow up to be abusers. A fact which a very brilliant teacher once told me, is, "That children whom are abused are six times as likely to be abusers themselves"(Schark) Many children may also feel that by reporting their parents for abuse they are betraying their trust.
             In cases of abuse to a child, not all of it is physical. In many cases children suffer emotional problems from parents or guardians verbally abusing them. By calling a child stupid or by making children feel inadequate is a form of emotional maltreatment, or abuse.

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