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Celtic Women


Celtic women could govern, took prominent roles in politics, and even became judges and law givers. Women were even afforded the right to take part in the military activities of the clan (Ellis 18). .
             Females could own and inherit property which marriage could not deprive them of. According to the customary laws, a Celtic wife could be entitled to one half her husband's possessions. It has even been argued that some Celts developed a matrilineal form of kingship where the succession was determined through the maternal line (Ellis 110). There are instances in much Irish literature where the heroes are named after the mother not the father. Children of both gender held status and worth, with education afforded to boys and girls (Cremin 33). The Celtic woman was often even permitted to choose when and who she wanted to marry. Celtic woman were able to obtain a divorce and if deserted, molested or mistreated, she had the right to claim damages for compensation (Ellis 18). .
             Laws regarding rape also were clearly defined, and favored the rights of a woman. If an unmarried woman was forcibly raped she would be compensated. This compensation would often take the form of a symbolic rope, sword, or ring, signifying her "choice to hang with the rope, cut off his head with the sword, or marry him with the ring" (Ellis 110). .
             The druids are thought to form the intellectual elite in Celtic society, and some evidence exists that women elevated to the high status. Traditions relate women in the position of prophet, bard, doctor and even satirist (Rankin 253). Women "seers" emerge through myths and legends, and can be linked to the male druid counter part (292). One instance of a female druidess emerges in the mythical character Fidelma. She is the daughter of the infamous Queen Madb, and known to posses the imbas forasna, the light of foresight. Celtic sagas tell of households where heroes are trained by women in fighting and druid wisdom (Chadwick 115).

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