the Ark and murders the rest by flooding the earth. The next display of God using death.
as a punishment was in Genesis 18-19. Sodom and Gomorra were two cities where every.
person living in them was living through heinous sin, both cities were destroyed by the.
wrath of God. When Egypt was holding the Jewish people as slaves, God took the lives.
of every first born son of every Egyptian along with the entire Egyptian Army in Exodus.
11 and 14. God created us to be in his image and wants us to strive to be like him. God.
himself has shown us he uses death as a penalty therefore, setting an example to punish.
the criminals in the same way. In genesis 9:6, in the Jewish law code, it states that,.
"Whoever sheds man's blood by man his blood shall be shed.". This verse demonstrates.
the same concept of an eye for an eye or formally known as Lex Talionis. Dustin Cox a.
Criminology major, graduated from University of Texas created a web site with debates.
from students and classmates. An interesting fact brought up was the code of laws.
created by one of the first kings, before Christ, was called Hammurabi's Code. In this.
book of codes the phrase an eye for an eye and a life for a life was created. However I do.
not agree with the clause an "eye for an eye" due to the fact it cannot be obtained. For.
example, Hitler killed millions of people, his life alone would not be enough to fulfill his.
punishment. .
Knowing that God will punish people for their crimes we have to ask if he allows.
us to do the punishing or not. In Genesis 22:2, God commands Abraham to take his son.
and sacrifice him on a mountain. This is Abraham taking the life in his own hands, not.
God's. The fact that God did not enforce him to go through with it is irrelevant, the point.
is solely that he did instruct Abraham to do it. Another time God has approved of.
murder are when his people were being hurt for example, In Joshua chapter six God.
sends in his people to fight the city of Jerico.