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Treating Unwanted Children like Animals


More than 300 people in the United States are convicted of murder on a yearly bases (Shostak 1). These women that murder their babies should be added to the numbers of those convicted. They deliberately kill their child, knowing fully what they are doing and how its being done. There could be 1.6 million more people in this world if we lived in a world without abortion (Shostak 1). Instead, more and more women are getting pressured to abort their pregnancy by friends, family members and partners. Only 30% of women who abort their child, do it for themselves. 37% of women who abort their child, so it because their partner had either threatened to leave them, or just told them to (Atkins 3), as did the partner coerced the woman to give up Angle. More and more women are being pressured, then regretting their decision later. Many women go through the guilt of ending the life of their own flesh and blood, and their choice. That guilt would lead to sadness, anger or plain spitefulness.
             There are many unsafe, but legal, abortion clinics in America today. These clinics are dirty, the utensils that are used are not sterile, and the doctors are inexperienced. Some 80,000 women die each year because they put their lives on the line in these unsatisfactory conditions (Bulman 1). These women died because they were irresponsible. It only takes one time; one party, one drink, one mistake. One of these can cause many more than one major life alternating problem. "Between ten and fifty percent of all women who undergo unsafe abortions suffer complications. The most frequent include severe infection, hemorrhaging, and internal injury such as puncturing or tearing of the uterus" (Bulman 2). Some other long-term effects are chronic pelvic pain, tubal blockage and secondary infertility (Bulman 2). Sure, right now, a woman might not want to have a child in her life, but never having a child again would damage many women's lives.

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