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Book Review For "Friend By Day; Enemy By Night" --Lincoln Keiser


In the book the seclusion of women was called purdah (Keiser, pg. 3). .
             Fourth, I will discuss where religion comes in. The men of Thull all practice Islam (women cannot enter the mosques). The degree to witch each practices and how they use Islamic beliefs for their own purposes is a different story though! As stated in the book, Keiser encountered many men in Thull who were considered teachers in Islam. Others on the other hand, were just followers of the religion. "The people of Thull know how neighboring ethnic groups judge them. Yet the roots of Kohistani sense of self lie in Muslim identity, and Thull men obsess over demonstrating their Muslim piety" (Keiser, pg. 31). People in other regions of the country thought of Kohistanis as savages. They had only just converted to Islam in their eyes. Because of their actions, how could these men be of the Islamic faith? Another problem was how the men of Thull related their dushmani to Islam. If Islam is a peaceful and forgiving religion, how can one man just kill another (and how it is justified?). Maybe Koshistanis" think of it as a holy war? Koshistanis for some reason try to tie mar dushmani with iman (Islamic faith). Mr. Keiser even had problems finding the similarities. .
             Last, I will discuss caste systems in Thull. Caste systems in Thull were a huge part of their dushmani. Kinship networks help Kohistanis draw from the various sections of their kinship network for political, economic, and even dushmani. "If a man requires assistance in repairing his house, for example, kin from these categories will aid him; if his enemies threaten him, the same people will champion his cause" (Keiser, pg. 84). Also tribes have councils (which has very much to with kin; it could be someone's elder cousin who could be in charge) to try and smooth out problems. One of the main things about this in the book that really shocked me was the fact that if a man and his cousin attack someone; then that man can get his cousin to help get revenge.

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