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But what happens to those people that don't look like this and have high standards, they get rejected and have low self-esteem. As for in the household and working environment these expectations play a big factor in gender inequality. Expectations such as men are to work women are to stay home and raise the children, men do the outside work women do the inside; men are the discipliner's women are the nurturers. Because of this the family structure and working environment have been affected tremendously because people have been scared to step out of the norm and experiment. Religion is another area where gender expectations play a factor. For example, the way Muslims portray women. Those who follow religion heavily live by these expectations. Sexual visions such as women are to be submissive and men initiators also play factors in these expectations. I think that now that women are gaining power both in the work and house that people are slowly willing to experiment both socially and sexually.
             Another aspect of sexuality that I don't understand is what attracts people to one another. When people ask what they see in a person it's usually she's has big boobs, he's got nice eyes. You never really hear them mention their personality types. People focus their relationship too much on physical appearance than on anything else. When people say that looks are not important to them they are lying. Physical appearance is what initially attracts you to that person. Another aspect that is difficult in trying to start a relationship is how do you go from initial attractiveness to expressing your emotion and when is the right time to do so. If you don't take the initiative to approach the person they might lose interest. If you wait and get to close to the person they might just think about you as a friend. They say that they send signs such as touching of the hair or nervousness talking to you but how are you to pick up these signs.

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