Obvioulsy none of the details had been yet worked out but the idea that different diseses could spread through people must have proved very usefull in disease prevention! Also around this time in 1543 the idea that the planets revolve around the sun was introduced by Copernicus. 1543 was when "On the Workings of the Human Body", was published by Andreas Versalius, and in 1550 false libs strated to be constructed by Ambrose Pare!.
A next important date is 1561, when Gabriele Fallopius did some of the first research on the nervous and reproductive systems! He did many dissections and provided many detailed atotmical instructions and guidelines for those who would follow (Enerson 2). Also in 1561 was the Massacre of French Protestants at Vassay. On a lighter note in 1568 concrete not used sence ancient times is put back in use by Philibert de l"Orme, and in 1570 ships were allowed to enter a once isolated to the world Japanese harbor! .
1593 marked Andrea Cesalpino's classification of plants. He is most famous for De Plantis where he describes 1500 different types of plants (Rhodus 1). Much of this was simple classification based on fruits and flowers but the classification of all this biodiversity had begun!. In 1570 a supernova was discovered in the constellation Cassiopeia by Brahe. In 1573 more atmical work is done, spacifically on the brain by Canstanzo Variolio, who was the first to dissect the brain! And in 1588 the Spanish Armada was defeated by the British!.
Winding down twaord the end of the 1500's in 1590, Zacgarias Janssen develops the first compiound microscope. These microscopes only had about a 3x to 9x magnification (Founding Fathers of 1). Now the idea was now out there and a entire new world of possibilities would be open for studying the biology of out planet! Around the same time in 1593 Galileo developed the first thermometer. A few years earlier in 1583 it was stated that the lens only focuses light! And in 1587 more work on anatomy was done when Giulio Cesare Aranzi detailed the ventricles and hippocampus! .