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Their omission in that passage could be another indication that angels are not under human authority. In the climax of creation week, God gave mankind the privilege and responsibility of ruling "over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground" (Genesis 1:26) But that list doesn't include angels. We can herd cattle and cage canaries and grow cantaloupe and cauliflower in our gardens but we can't make angels do our laundry or warm up the car." .
             Since man has no authority to rule over the angels as God gave him authority over the rest of creation, they are not listed in the creation account. However, they are created beings and were present to shout during creation.
             Can we become angels?.
             How common is the scene in a cartoon of the bumbling cat that dies chasing the mouse only to rise up to the heavens with wings and a harp as an angel. Does this scene have any truth to it? When men die, do they become angels? The Bible tells us that we will be like the angels but not that we will become angels (Matthew 22:30 and Mark 12:25). Billy Graham states that,.
             "The Bible tells us that God has made man "a little lower than the angels." Yet it also says "angels are ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation" (Hebrews 2:5-7; 1:13-14). This sounds like a contradiction: man lower-but eventually higher through redemption." .
             Therefore, God created man lower than the angels but he intends to elevate us above them in the end. However, He will not make us angels. There will be many ways in which we will be like angels, but there will be differences. Robert Lightner explains this well,.
             "In heaven Christians will have glorified bodies. But holy angels have never been glorified because they have never sinned. In the resurrection believers will become like angels to some degree (Matthew 22:30), but they will never actually become angels.

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