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             the claw-tooth chisel. This chisel was a Greek instrument, used to.
             produce many Greek sculptures and monuments of the time. Then, at.
             around 540 BC, Persian artisans began to use this chisel in their own.
             work. The tomb of Cyrus, who was the Persian King from around 555 BC.
             until 529 BC, is a perfect example of this point. This large tomb.
             displays many claw-tooth chisel markings, making it very apparent.
             that there was a strong Greek influence within the Persian Empire at.
             this time.
             At the time of 500 BC, within the "Dareios Era," it is very clear.
             that the Egyptians and the Greeks were in contact with each other. .
             After studying Greek stonework, scholars have agreed that Egyptian.
             stone technology greatly influenced the Greeks at this time. .
             Fan-like structures found on the tops of Greek monuments proved to be.
             originally Egyptian. In addition, the design of Greek columns and.
             colonnades was greatly influenced by Egyptian design. Despite this.
             definite proof, Herodotus, if ever presented with this information,.
             would have scoffed at it and denied its validity. This extreme.
             national pride was also present in the majority of Greek citizens of.
             the time. There are many reasons why the ancient Greeks could not.
             accept that others had influenced their culture. The main reason,.
             however, was the belief that the other cultures were backwards, and.
             not as advanced or civilized as the Greeks themselves. The Greeks.
             especially felt this way about the Egyptian people. This belief is.
             very apparent in book two of Herodotus.
             " the Egyptians themselves in their manners and customs seem to have.
             reversed the ordinary practices of mankind. For instance, women.
             attend market and are employed in trade, while men stay at home and.
             do the weaving. Men in Egypt carry loads on their heads, women on.
             their shoulders. Women urinate standing up, men sitting down. They.
             live with their animals - unlike the rest of the world, who live.
             apart from them.

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