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Assisted Suicide


             What comes to mind when you think of a doctor? A person that saves lives or a .
             person that goes to school for at least 12 years or so to learn how to cure the ill and .
             replace a man's health to a normal state I would assume. Now days it seems as if there .
             has been a new task proposed for doctors to perform other than saving lives. This task, .
             which is the opposite of what they are taught to do in medical school, is assisted suicide.
             Assisted suicide is the act of putting to death painlessly a person who is suffering from .
             an incurable and painful disease or condition. The real question is should this procedure,.
             assisted suicide, be legalized for specialist or regular doctors to perform. Assisted suicide.
             should not be an option.
             Assisted suicide should not be legal due to the valid points that Schneiderman's.
             colleagues have made. Schneiderman states that his colleagues argue that if you were to.
             allow those who fit the criteria of assisted suicide such as terminal cancer patients.
             or malformed newborns with no hope of survival to perform assisted suicide. Who would .
             be the next to have assisted suicide practiced upon them? Maybe the weak and the elderly .
             or the physically and mentally handicapped will be a the next candidate to assisted .
             suicide as well. Also a deeper level of debate on assisted suicide that Schniederman .
             states, " What will become of society that permits-indeed promotes-death as a social .
             good (pg. 582).".
             Really as Schniederman says it best, " But is it necessary to kill?" Why should we .
             kill at this day and age, with the advances we make and the money we put into labs now .
             days we are bound to find a cure soon. Also Schniederman has a valid point at the end .
             directed towards the government and what type promises will be granted that the law will .
             not accept exceptions, therefore publicly condemning unsupervised assisted suicide. Then .
             Schneiderman compares the legalization of assisted suicide to the time of Nazis saying, .

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