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             As mentioned before, the Nazi's used freight trains to transport this mass number.
             of people. Long lines of overcrowded lock cars came in daily, stopping at special.
             platforms called rampas. The rampa was located at the side of the track inside the.
             complex. This railway system into Auschwitz would later become the busiest for the.
             Nazi's ever. .
             When the train stopped, the prisoners were harshly removed from the train cars.
             and thrown into the camp. The SS soldiers pushed people to different lines, one which.
             headed straight for the gas chambers, which most of the prisoners fell into. Children.
             were usually killed right there on the spot. The "lucky" ones left all of their belongings.
             and went to the area called "the quarantine". Here all clothing and hair was stripped.
             from both men and women and they all received striped uniforms. A number was then.
             branded into their arms in order to identify them. Then, if the SS did not choose you for.
             slave labor, you would probably die in the next two weeks.
             The main way the Nazi's killed their prisoners was by the use of gas chambers. .
             Using the deadly chemical Zyklon B, the Nazi's would fill chambers with people and.
             suffocate them with the poisonous gas. The set of rooms usually resembled showers, to.
             completely surprise their victims who were thinking they were refreshing themselves. .
             Zyklon B was poured into stacks that opened into four grillwork columns located in the.
             ceiling. Within minutes, 2,000 people would die. .
             Thousands were dying a day at Auschwitz. After being killed, the Nazi's made.
             the slave laborers take the dead bodies out of the chambers and throw them into one of.
             the four crematories they had. In 1944, the crematories were so full that they would have.
             the laborers dig huge pits to throw the bodies into. Knowing there were too many dead.
             bodies, you would think they would stop gassing people, but they continued. After.
             killing thousands after thousands, the crematories could not keep up with the amount of.

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