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Armenian Genocide


             During centuries, Armenians were part of different Empires. Historic Armenia was located in such a strategic and geopolitically important region where every Emperor had a great desire to have it under its control. Iranians, Russians, Arabs, Ottomans took turn in attacking and conquering Armenia. In seventh century AD, Islam swept the region. Armenians resisted the new religion, meanwhile, they lost many people due to constant attacks of Arabs forcing them to convert. By the eight century, due to the spread of Islam in the region, Armenia remained a small Christian island in an Islamic see. This was the beginning of a period that a series of invasion began. The first invasion was launched by Seljuk Turks, a tribe which was migrating towards west from Mongolia in central Asia. Seljuk Turks that just converted to Islam arrived to region and did not go out. They raided Armenian cities and towns, killing their population. Seljuk Turks and subsequent Turkish tribes which moved into Anatolia, did not leave the region since it was well suitable for their people and lifestyle. They arrived with their family, their flocks and everything else. These migrated Turkish tribes of central Asia later became the foundations of Ottoman Empire. .
             Between 11 to 15 centuries, invaders after invaders attacked the Armenian Plato. Persians, Mongols, and Tatars took turn in destroying whatever was left after Turkish invasions. Armenians lost many lives, but the core of Armenia remained Armenian. In 15 century, by emergence of Ottoman Empire, Armenians were subdued by the Ottoman rules. Unlike the other conquers, the Muslim Ottomans allowed the minorities with some fredome. Armenians, Jews, Greeks and other minorities enjoyed a limited freedom under the Ottoman rule that actually resulted in some flourishing of their culture. &n bsp; These minorities were under a system called Millet system.

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