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Ancient Egypt: The Ultimate Paper


Their Government was a theocracy, which means the king is the political and religious leader. The Pharaoh also appointed a his own personal choice for a bureaucratic organization. Egyptian Historians divide Egyptian history into thirty - one dynasties, regrouped into four periods of political centralization: pre- and early dynastic Egypt (3150-2770 BC), the Old Kingdom (2270-2200 BC), the Middle Kingdom (2050-1786 BC), and the New Kingdom (1560-1087 BC). The time gap between kingdoms was full of periods of disruption and political confusion. The civilization of Ancient Egypt lasted for over three thousand years. During this time there were many changes in terms of what the ancient Egyptians believed in, and how they lived their lives. However, many aspects of the basic culture, religion, and artistic style of ancient Egypt remained the same.
             Due to the new unification of the River Valley inhabitants, great cities began to emerge, in which they could manufacture and process goods, which they could then trade/barter with the neighboring countries. Basically that is how the great civilization of Ancient Egypt got started. Over a period from 3100 BC to 332 BC Ancient Egypt grew in culturally, artistically, religion-wise, scientifically, medicinally, and in many other fields. .
             The Egyptian economy was based on agriculture. They grew wheat, barley, flax, and raised sheep and cattle. They imported ivory, species, copper, and wood, they exported glassware, linen, and clay vases. The Nile also supplied geese and fish, and wild papyrus which Egyptians wove into rope, mats, baskets, and paper.
             The early Egyptian people grew food by the Nile and lived mainly by hunting, fishing, and gathering wild plants. They kept a small amount of livestock and grew a small number of crops. The main crops that were grown in those days were flax, barley, and a primitive kind of wheat called Emmer. They brought in sheep and goats from the Middle East and many more varieties of crops also.

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