Synopsis of the plot:.
There are three billy goats that are all brothers; each one is older than the next. The billy goats would like to eat some green, green, grass and apples, but in order to accomplish this task they must cross over a bridge. Under the bridge there lives a "big ugly troll," this makes the billy goats very nervous. Each billy goat travels over the bridge separate from his brother. The billy goats travel across the bridge from youngest to oldest in age. Each time a billy goat goes across the bridge the troll is awakened and threatens to eat each of them for lunch, in which each replies with" Wait until my brother comes across the bridge, he is much bigger than I!" The troll waits for the oldest brother and when the oldest brother comes across the bridge he gives the troll a rude awakening, and bucks him off the bridge!.
Analysis of the major themes:.
The major theme of this story is that it never pays to be mean. The troll was being mean to the billy goats and wanted to eat them for lunch, but in the end he is the one that was threatened and he saw how bad it hurt when someone was mean to him. The troll got a taste of his own medicine, and did not like it!.
Overall evaluation of the play:.
This is a great play with a great moral. Children can always relate to being picked on, they also know that it is not nice to be mean. This is a very strong moral to get across to children at a very young age. The characters are full of spunk as well. Children would have fun portraying the billy goats and the troll and learn about themselves at the same time!.
Title of the play: The Three Little Pigs.
Author's name: Paul Galdone.
Number of acts: 1.
Analysis of the major characters:.
Character: The Big Bad Wolf.
Age: Not stated.
Profession or trade: Animal.
Desires and Goals:.
The big bad wolf desires to huff, and puff and blow down all three little pig's homes.