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Local Hero


             An important film I enjoyed much was one I saw a couple of days ago. The title was "Local Hero" and it has remained very clear in my memory because had a very good scenario and beautiful pictures. .
             The owner of a large oil company in New York wanted to buy a seaside village and its surrounding land in order to build factories there. So he sent his manager to the village to talk to the people. The manager had to persuade the villagers to sell their houses and land to his company. By offering large amounts of money, he managed to buy all the houses except one. This was a wooden hut on the beach, which belonged to an old man. He didn't want to sell it by the sea. Nothing would persuade him. In the meantime, the manager from New York began to like the village and the countryside. He also fell in love with a girl in the village and he thought of staying there.
             However, the owner of the oil company came over from New York to try to persuade the old man. The villagers all gathered on the beach as the New York manager went into the hut to talk to the old man. They were sure he would convince him to sell it. However, after some time, the owner came out again and told the villagers that he had decided not to build the factories. He said that it was such a beautiful place he would not buy the house and land after all. The old man had won.
             Would, the owner stay there? No! He too returned to New York and to way of life he knew. The film ended with a picture of him looking out of his office window in New York the skyscraper window he could see the lights of the city, but in his mind he saw only the beautiful village he had left behind him. .

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