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Americans By Choice


Which brings us to the topic of freedom of religion.
             Freedom of religion allows us to worship the god of our choice. You can worship in this manner without any governmental control. The American government was founded on god. The people for the people run our government. The nation was founded with god in mind so you must respect things like one nation under god. If you do not worship god at least respect the fact your freedom was based with god in mind. If you don't like it maybe you need to be deported to a place where there is only one religion and any other is punishable. In God We Trust! Amen America! .
             Some things should not be open for debate especially the very foundation of our country. If we change something that's part of our heritage we should move to another country. Then let foreign countries assume control of the U.S.A. When I hear America there are a few things that come to mind Old glory, George Washington, apple pie, baseball. These are some of the respected foundations of America. Lets keep it real America! We as Americans must teach our children about the foundation. We should not fight but unite as Americans. .
             Where can you get a college education and be whatever you want. Only in America! They don't call it the land of opportunity for nothing. Anyone can start a business in America. Everyone has the same opportunities. You just have to find your niche and go for it. Regardless of your sex, race, or religion. You want to be a doctor go to school learn to become one. It takes a lot of dedication though. It's about being an American. We call it America the beautiful!.
             What kind of terrain and weather do you enjoy? Well in America the terrain is very diverse. You can move freely to any part you wish. As an American you could enjoy this freedom. We have mountains, dessert, beaches, plains and piedmonts. We have all types of weather conditions that are enjoyed by many different people. Hot dry climates to cold wet climates all enjoyed by Americans.

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