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Alan Turing


The Turing Machine is a three-fold inspiration composed of logical instructions, the action of the mind, and a machine which can in principle be embodied in a practical physical form. It is the application of an algorithm embodied in a finite state machine. .
             The Turing Machine is a simple kind of computer. It is limited to reading and writing symbols on a tape and moving the tape along to the left or right. The tape is marked off into squares, each square representing a cell. Each cell on the tape can hold at most one symbol. At any point when the Turing Machine is operating it can read or write on one of these cells, the cell located under the read/write head. One aspect that set the Turning Machine apart from other computational machines of the same period was that the Turing Machine was designed to perform many functions. It could do any function that was fed to it on this tape that acted as an algorithm, whereas, other computational machines at that time were designed to perform only one task. The concept of the Turing Machine was then similar to the digital computers used today.
             Soon WWII began in Europe. During WWII, Turing was called by the Department of Communications in Great Britain. He was asked to help decipher the German codes that they were using to scramble their communications. The Germans had developed a sophisticated computer call the Enigma. It was able to generate a constantly changing code that was impossible for the code breakers to decipher in a timely fashion. Turing aided in the development of another computer used by Great Britain called Collossus that was able to decipher the communications coded by Enigma thus aided in the defeat of the Germans in WWII.
             After the war, Turing carried out many tasks. He became a very successful distance runner, at one point considering the Olympics. He Furthered his development of a true digital computer by creating the Automatic Computing Engine (ACE) while working for the National Physical Laboratory (NPL).

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