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             3 million Americans are living below the poverty line that are unable to adequately provide for themselves and their families and are in need of government assistance. This considerable number proves that it is an imperative issue that concerns many in this country.
             "New US Census figures collected in the past year indicate that 1.3 million Americans live below the poverty line. That's an 11.3 percent increase from the year 2000. The census defines poor as a family of four living with a cash income of about $18,000. The new figures also say that the median American income has dropped, and they suggest that the gap between the richest and the poorest Americans is getting bigger." .
             Facts on File World News Digest .
             September 24, 2002 .
             B. Poverty is a serious issue that leads to many different types of problems, including educational set backs, crime, unjust social treatment and can severe cases of ethnic and racial discrimination. These are inherent problems that can affect our way of life in this country in a negative way.
             "Most respondents (73 percent) cited problems with education as a key cause of poverty. Specific problems mentioned included lack of access to education, or not understanding its importance, as well as problems with the educational system itself. However, lack of a living wage or employment opportunities, unjust social policies, and racial/ethnic discrimination were also cited by many as causes for poverty Department's Census Bureau." .
             Copyright 2002 U.S. Newswire, Inc. .
             U.S. Newswire .
             September 24, 2002 Tuesday.
             C. Through assistance programs recipients are supposed to get an opportunity to get away from a life of poverty. However as a result of a lack of higher education being encouraged and made available to recipients while on assistance, most are only eligible for low paying dead end jobs that continue to keep them below the poverty line. If this specific problem is not addressed, the hope for ending poverty and being able to cut welfare roles is not possible.

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