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Advertising In Politics


The fast paced movement of information creates many different versions of information available to the people. Another advantage of political advertising is that is gives the voters a chance to see most of the different versions and views available. Voters should have a right to chose between different versions of what they believe is true. Without political advertising the voters would not be as informed about versions to make their own decisions about a candidate.
             Over the past few decades the ways in which political candidates solicit the public vote have changed drastically. In the past, coverage of political candidates was largely composed of news stories and interviews by experienced and respected journalists. In today's campaigns corporate media plays a larger role than ever before. Today's world puts increasing demands on journalists including tight deadlines and fewer resources available for their use. This environment often leads to respectable journalists using words around pictures that may be sent to them from promoters of certain political campaigns. These pictures may be deceiving and may only benefit the sending party, and diminish the image of the opposing party. Competition among television and radio stations, and newspaper companies is continuously increasing. This forces the media to accept certain stories strictly because of the attention-getting headline. .
             Although advertising does offer a great opportunity for political campaigns to express their views to the voters, it is not often used in a positive way. In Today's society negative advertisements occur more often than positive ones. A huge disadvantage of political advertising is that many political parties and candidates promote advertisements against their opponent(s), which is usually not based on actual platforms, but on the opposing candidate's character. Voters are pushed to vote for the less corrupt candidate by what they believe are true claims instead of voting for the best based on objective positive information.

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