Process emphasis allows writing instructors to make their presence and knowledge available to students. The instructor becomes an advisor, an editor, and fellow writer when he steps out of realms of conventional tactics(Newkirk,XV.) This opens the most valuable classroom resource to the students. How is this resource to be used? It is done in a variety of ways. Teaching writing as a process involves frequent revision and internal feedback(Murray.) This is a vast improvement from suggesting that students produce several drafts with no internal response, then addressing only the final product in grading, which is an approach that can be intimidating to the student. Judy R. Rogers states this, "A "perfect" first draft for a writer is something like a hole in one for a golfer: both are rare occurrences that happen only to very talented-or lucky-people(Rogers,9)." Feedback given in-process allows the student to bring up difficulties before grading. This lowers the stakes and makes the writing process much more comfortable for writers when the "all or nothing" mentality is removed from the early stages of composition. UCLA writing instructor Joel Saltzman best states the goals of process teaching when he encourages "progress, not perfection." With this goal in mind, instructors can concentrate on teaching students rather than grading them, which is an act that should be deferred anyway. Donald Murray goes as far to say that a students should be given as many chances to revise as he needs(Murray.) While this approach could be suicidal from a workload and time perspective, the point given is that revision and feedback is necessary for quality compostion. By waiting to grade until after revision and feedback has occurred, the teacher is ensuring the student has enough time to work out flaws and consult others on problems. Another method used in process teaching is instructor writing in class with the students(NewkirkXV.