However this rule was changed by a German group of parents of intellectually disabled infants and the rule states: "The uniqueness of a human life forbids any comparison or equation of human existence with other non-living things". Palmey Lee,C. "Ethical Consideration in Medicine"
Historic Advancements.
Burn Centers.
One of the first burn centers was made at the University Of Washington School Of Medicine on July 2, 1974. They first started with ten beds. Now they have 450 patients per year. They innovated an aggressive approach to burn wounds and treatment plan for toxic epidermal necrolysis.
Currently burn centers are studying pain control for burn injuries. There will be the study of reviving burned children with virtual reality.
Genetic Division.
Conducted the first division of Medical genetics. A man named Motulsky was the founder of medical genetics. Currently Mark Kay is conducting research on gene therapies for liver disease and hemophilia. Stan Field is working on the genetics of yeast and molecular development.
Created on August 1st 1978. Helped community clients and has 400 clients per year. Helps out with problems on aging, hearing loss, and Alzheimer's.
Inner Ear Research.
Inner ear research began June 24 1988. Then it was reported that inner ear cell regeneration had occurred. Researchers determined that beard ear cells die and regenerate because of cell division of a new kind. Currently they are working on identifying cell signals and recovery of hearing and balance function. "Washington School of Medicine Historical Advancements"
Human Cloning.
Cloning is not a new concept. Plants and other asexual organisms have been "cloning" themselves since the beginning of time.(Stalzer,Eric. "Human Cloning: How Far Should We Go?")www.