668 .
Proposed Courses for Summer 2004.
Course Title Credits Requirement Alternate Courses Proposed.
SOC-440.C Field Experience 16 A.
Proposed GPA:4.000 .
Proposed Cumulative GPA:2.896 .
Proposed Courses for Fall 2004.
Course Title Credits Requirement Alternate Courses Proposed.
POL-376 U.S National Security Policies 3.00 B.
POL-302 Classical Political Philosophy 4.00 C+.
HST-365 Civil War and Reconstruction 3.00 A-.
SOC-413 Juvenile Delinquency 3.00 B-.
HST-400 Senior HST Capstone 3.00 A.
Proposed GPA:3.087 .
Proposed Cumulative GPA:2.923 .
Proposed Courses for Spring 2005.
Course Title Credits Requirement Alternate Courses Proposed.
POL-351 Criminal Justice 4.00 A.
POL-373 American Foreign Policies 3.00 B.
HST-398 20th Century World History 3.00 A-.
SOC-414 Penology 3.00 A.
ART-257 Photography 3.00 A.
Proposed GPA:3.756 .
Proposed Cumulative GPA:3.030 .
Which courses will be the most challenging?.
I believe the classes that will prove to be the most difficult will be the ones in the Political Science field. The history and criminology classes are very interesting to me and I am automatically drawn to them. The Political Science classes, while I am interested in the major and a possible future in politics, I find it hard to get enthralled with these classes. They are not ones that I would have picked as electives just for fun. I did choose the classes that I think will prove beneficial such as Congress and the President but I am worried that they will not hold my attention.
Block Schedule Spring 2003.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday.
Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec .
Work Photo Work Work Work .
Work Photo Work Work Work .
Golf Golf Golf Golf Work Rugby.
Politics HST 307 Politics HST307 Politics Rugby.
King HST 431 King HST 431 King Rugby.
King HST 431 King HST 431 King Rugby.
King Physics King Physics King Rugby.