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Costa Rica


             Costa Rica doesn't have precious metals but has a supply of Indian labor. About half of the population lives in rural areas. Because of this, they have a variety of many crops. The most important are: Sugarcane, bananas, rice, coffee and oranges. Of these only: coffee, bananas and sugar are exported. .
             Costa Rica's imports are basically manufactured goods, chemical products and cars.
             Costa Rica is now the only Central American country in which the value of manufactured goods is greater than the value of agricultural goods. They don't have any minerals and they have very bad technology compared to most countries. .
             1: Flag.
             On the flag the blue means; Blue sky, the red: the energy and braveness of Costa Rican's, the white means: peace.
             2: Coat of arms.
             The coat of arms was invented in 1906, under the government of Cleto Gonzalez Viuquez.
             3: National Hymn.
             National Hymn was written by Jose Maria Zeldon and the music by Manuel Maria Guitierez. The name of the Hymn is "Noble Patria-. .
             The Lyrics are: .
             Himno de Costa RicaNoble patria, tu hermosa bandera,expresion de tu vida nos da:bajo el límpido azul de tu cieloblanca y pura descansa la paz.En la lucha tenaz de fecunda laborque enrojece del hombre la faz,conquistaron tus hijos -labriegos sencillos-eterno prestigio, estima y honor. áSalve, oh tierra gentil!áSalve, oh madre de amor!.Cuando alguno pretenda tu gloria manchar,verás a tu pueblo, valiente y viril,la tosca herramienta en arma trocar.áSalve, oh patria!, tu prodigo suelo,dulce abrigo y sustento nos da;bajo el límpido azul de tu cielo,ávivan siempre el trabajo y la paz!.
             4: Food and Recipe.
             The main meal in Costa Rica is Breakfast; they drink juice and eat egg and gallopinto (Beans with rice). One common dessert is Coconut balls:.
             A: Melt Margarine and add condensed milk (Mix for 5 min).
             B: take it out of the oven and add: Crumbled Maria Cookie, vanilla and coconut (with your hands).

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